Worldcook's Recipes with avocado

The avocado is family of the bay laurel. Even though it looks more like a vegetable, it is categorized as fruit. The avocado originates from Middle and South America, but I have also often seen it in Africa. It has a high fat content: about 80% of its caloric value is fat. Famous cooks say that the avocado ripens just as well even after picking it from the tree; I tend to disagree. The avocados I ate in Africa, which were picked ready-to-eat, where far more tasty than the ones transported in an unripe state, which at home either never ripen or turn black.



Creole salad


Avocado and
smoked fish salad

Avocado and
pumpkin seed salad

Salmon burger
Tuna with avocado
Tuna with

Corn avocado

avocado salad
Avocado soup

Chicken breast
with avocado

Avocado salad

Bean salad

Rice with

Avocado salad
with salmon

Avocats farcis